Monday, August 10, 2009

Traditional Data Entry VS Google Ad Posting

Thank you for visiting my blog! After going through many work at home scams, this blog is dedicated to those who are looking for legitimate, scam-free data entry jobs and general work from home online opportunities.

One of the biggest questions everyone looking for online jobs asks is: Are data entry jobs a scam? Are there ANY that are legitimate work from home opportuntiies?

So are they a scam? The answer is actually both YES and NO.

Real Data Entry vs Google Ad Form Filling

It’s important to distinguish between the two types of data entry sites out there: Traditional data entry and google ad form filling. Most innocent people looking for work at home jobs are looking for traditional data entry and assume that all data entry sites that advertize 'data entry' are offering traditional data entry work.

Legitimate, traditional data entry typists do the following type of work


*Medical billing

*Order Taking

About one quarter of the websites that advertize data entry work sell online job seekers long directories of companies which are seeking traditional data entry typists. Understand that you do NOT work for the actual data company you register with. The website does not employ the registrant directly, but merely provides the names and contact information of companies who ARE hiring data entry typists.

These data entry websites are pretty easy to spot.

-They (honestly) advertize "hundreds of companies to work for"

-They claim that there is no selling or ad posting involved

-They offer a money back guarantee

Where is the scam then?

The real data entry scam lies in the misrepresentation of the second type (three quarters) of 'data entry' sites out there, which fraudulently misrepresent themselves as traditional data entry companies, when they are really something entirely different.

They do not offer traditional form filling data entry work. They offer GOOGLE AD POSTING positions disguised as data entry ones.

There are many, many websites which loosely interpret 'data entry' to mean typing Click Bank and google ads and then posting them on forums, blogs, websites or on google adwords for commission earnings on affiliate products. And therein lies the scam. These 'data entry' sites hook and draw traditional data entry job hunters by calling the online job 'data entry typist' when it is really affiliate marketing.

The "job" these data entry sites offer is essentially the opportunity to post the company's ads on google adwords in order to entice other desperate job seekers to sign up and pay a membership fee for the same 'work at home' privilege. The online worker then takes a small commission in return for his efforts.

These types of scam jobs, which technically fit the definition of 'data entry', are easy to spot:

*The online site says the job involves ad posting. It doesn't involve adposting; it IS adposting.

*The income potential is unlimited. Theoretically true, as commission has no limit.

*The job calls you an independent contractor. You aren't paying for a job; you are paying for an opportunity.

*The site has a payout minimum. They will happily hold your money until you have generated enough business for them.

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