Monday, August 10, 2009

International Work at Home Jobs

Not a US resident? You can still work from home, as there are lots of international online jobs open.
Looking for an online job that is scam-free, doesn't promise to pay exaggerated and unrealistic income, is completely free to find and is not a business opportunity, doesn't involve selling, ad posting, pay-per-click, survey-taking ,emailing or cold-calling? Everyone wants to make money online these days. Believe it or not, such online "jobs" DO exist. Online jobs that pay via paypal are suitable for anyone in any country, and are generally freelance in nature. And they are easy to find too, although opportunities generally pay very little. In order to generate substantial income, you will have to earn money through multiple streams of income, not a single source.

Freelance Gigs

Online content or copy writing, blogging and other pay-per-project tasks can pay the bills. Sites like Helium, Associated Content, and Suite 101 offer opportunities for exposure, professional writing development, and residual earnings. Freelance tasks like reviewing, proofreading, web design, uploading and nearly anything else are advertized on sites like Getafreelancer, EUfreelance and Odesk.

Tutor or Teach English Online

If you are a native English speaker and hold a TEFL or TESL certificate, you could find work as an online English teacher. Many local and foreign students are willing to have conversation or grammar lessons over Skype. All you will need is a webcam, a headset, a clear voice, teaching experience and a creative lesson plan. To find online teaching jobs try Smart Thinking, Universal Class or Kid's Span. To get an ingenious ebook that helps you get started, qualified and working as an online English teacher, click here.


Related to freelance writing, blogging jobs (either relating to your own blog) or someone else's are becoming popular online jobs and are available to everyone with a paypal account., including international members. Review Me and Pro Blogger are two excellent sites that pay bloggers for posting.

Work At Home Agents

Appointment setters, customer support staff, trascriptionists, administrative assistants, book keepers, order takers and data entry typists (yes there are a few, read FEW, legitimate ones) generally are paid by cheque, as they are not independent contractors, but rather employees. However, a few do pay by paypal. Work at Home Agent is one and Customer Loyalty Concepts is another. Although these are telecommute positions, international applicants are ineligible for many of these types of jobs as they usually require a US legal working visa or residency status.

Serve on a Mock Online Jury

Believe it or not, online mock juries that simulate real trials do exist. The trial purpose of online juries is to see how real people react and deliberate potentially real cases. This a focus group far more interesting than your standard online survey. Jurists get to read cases, evaluate evidence and review cases in the comfort of their own home. Panelists are paid between $10.00-$60.00 per completed case. EJury, Jury Test, Zap Jury and Trial Practice are some good paid mock jury sites to try. Applicants are only contacted periodically.

Affiliate Marketing

More of a business opportunity than an actual job, affiliate marketing involves signing up as an affiliate with different companies than marketing their products online via a website, blog, or hoplink. One of the most effective ways to make money on the internet, you work entirely as a business contractor and all earnings are paid by Clickbank via paypal. For an excellent book that describes how to effectively make money online using affiliate marketing without ever paying a cent for costly Google ads, check out The Newbie Blueprint Plan.

Getting Rich Online- Is It Possible?

There is an over saturation of at home work advertized all over the internet, for every type of job from data entry typist to survey taker, to email processor to craft assembler. Each job boasts unbelievable income potential, making everyone wonder: is it really possible to get rich online? Should I quit my day job and work from home?

Can you get rich online? Absolutely.

Can you get rich QUICKLY online? No way. If it were true, we would all be rich in 48 hours or less.

Making money online takes more time, effort, creativity, gusty risk taking and savvy marketing skills than most people actually realize. It takes commitment, dedication and a good business sense as well. Those data entry entry and survey taking sites that advertize hundreds of dollars per day for 2-3 hours of work per day are scams. Making real money, full time career figures, not residual income, takes a lot of time.

Anyone can make a residual income online. Writing 5 articles a day in 2 hours can earn a writer about $300 a month, not bad for residual, auto-pilot income. Taking a couple of surveys a day (that is, if you even qualify for any of them!) can earn about the same. But that's making money, just a buck or two for extra bills; not getting rich.

So how do you get rich online? With time and effort, in these three ways:

Online Get Rich Scheme- Affiliate and Article Marketing

Promoting digital products or services can earn real income into six digit figures. It's simple to get started, but a lot harder to master. Link Share, Commission Junction, Clickbank and Paydotcom all give provide affiliate links that will earn you commission and sales when a lead purchases a product from your exclusive web link. The challenge lies in converting enough clicks to sales and generating a substantial net profit, after refunds. With so much competition in affiliate marketing, especially in google search, clever web skills, HTML, website knowledge, keyword sense and niche market tapping are essential skills to help you sell your product better and faster than the competition. You can promote links on blogs, websites, or google ad sense. The latter is potentially the most profitable, but also the most costly. Be prepared for SOME upfront costs when dabbling into affiliate marketing, but payoff is high.

If you are looking for an excellent instructional ebook for beginners that helps you get into affiliate ,marketing WITHOUT a start up cost, check out the Newbie Blueprint Plan.

Online Get Rich Scheme- Ebay

You can open up your own ebay store and work with drop shippers to sell merchandise that is in demand. This is a big way to make money online and work in sales, without having to look for clients. Interested customers come to you, and ebay is THE international auction to get them rolling in. Dropshipping involves posting items for sale on auctions like ebay,without actually stocking the inventory.

Once a customer places an order, the seller will then order the item out of his or her pocket at the wholesale price directly from the dropshipper on behalf of the customer. The dropshipper will then ship the merchandise to the customer, and the seller pockets the mark up difference between the final auction price and the wholesale price. Keep in mind that the seller has some responsibility to the client: he or she must handle refunds after sales, and answer product questions before sales.

To get started and test the waters before opening up an ebay store with this concept, have a look at the recently sold lists on ebay to find out which products are in high demand and being auctioned at top dollars. Then look for the same products from dropshippers, who will inevitably charge you a monthly membership fee in exchange for access to low cost wholesale merchandise. Effort , monitoring and contact with customers is required, but you don't need to solicit business, as your client base is set. With practice, this can become a way to simply make a living or even get rich online with really hot, high profile products.

Online Get Rich Scheme- Joint Ventures

The most profitable way to see earnings skyrocket online is through partnerships with other marketers, called joint ventures. This is truly the secret of the most highly paid marketing strategists. Each of the marketers has a unique selling point or skill to sell, in return for an equal share of profits. A simple joint venture could be a super affiliate who has a great product to sell, but needs exposure, a web page and some majour traffic. Mr. X, who already has a website a huge audience in the same market the super affiliate wants to break into then offers his or her web marketing strategies to direct traffic for extra high commissions. This is similar to affiliate marketing, but there is a closer joint and mutually benefifical relationship between the two parties.

Or consider this joint venture: Mr. X has a website of existing products which has a huge targeted audience. He notices that seller Mr. Y on ebay has interesting and similar stuff to sell, but his listings on ebay have few buyers. Mr. X offers Mr. Y his web space to increase Mr. Y's sales, in return for a slice of Mr. Y's commission.

There is no one specific way to break into joint ventures; they are simply partnerships between people to increase sales They are really self-made marketing opportunities and are the most difficult to secure and should only be attempted by people with intermediate or advanced web marketing skills. There are many great ebooks that describe joint venture techniques in general. One excellent ebook, that describes different strategies for making $1,000 in 48 is called Desperate for Money. It devotes an entire chapter to creating and taking advantage of joint venture opportunities The book was written by expert web marketers for people who need quick cash fast.

Following the different methods outline can make you $1,000 in two nights and definitely get your rich quickly online in about a year.

Data Entry Sites Reviewed- Which are Real Legitimate Sites???

So, the question becomes, which are traditional data entry sites that offer scam-free, real data entry, and which are fraud google adposting data entry opportunities?

The Only Two Traditional Data Entry Sites I Have Encountered:

1) My Data Team- Offers a directory of many different jobs to apply to, along with online training to help you gain the credentials needed to apply for skilled data entry jobs, like medical transcription work. Job postings are updated quite often, and the site offers attractive bonuses and a money back guarantee if the at home worker doesn't find an opportunity. Customer service is excellent and responses to my emails were rapid and thorough. The only drawback was that many of the legitimate data entry companies listed were US based, and as a non-US resident, I did not qualify. Rating: 10/10

2) Data PC Jobs- Their site absolutely looks like a scam google adposting data entry site. In reality, there are links to many traditional data entry companies along with lots of ebooks about making money online. Tons of paid survey links, mystery shop links, pay per click email companies and more. For those who WOULD LIKE to venture into the potentially profitable google adposting domain, there is a full training and tutorial section with plenty of software to get started. I did make some money with the bonus links, and learned plenty of online money making techniques from the free ebooks. Rating: 8/10

The Scam Data Entry Sites Which Stole My Membership Fee:

Here are some data entry sites that are simply paid opportunities to post ad for them. I know because I have paid membership fees to these companies, without a cent in return.

Click N Earn- A true example of a paid opportunity to post ads for a "data entry" company. I subscribed to the one "non adposting research typist job", and found that it involves collecting HUNDREDS of email addresses belonging to desperate job seekers from online work at home forums then submitting them to the company, no doubt to be the used in company spam email. Stay away. The company says, "Advertisement is our business and we specialize in internet advertisement." That is the 110% truth about them.

Offline Typist Jobs- This free registration site is deceiving in appearance. It's one of the only free "data entry" jobs listed online, but it doesn't pay at all, even when you generate sales from the links that you post. You may not lose any money, but you will waste a lot of time if you sign up with them, that is, if the site even gets back to you to give you any work. The JPEG conversion are banners to text for their ads.

Online Home Jobs- This site looks very professional, but it provides absolutely no instruction or guidance after you enroll. I signed up with them and they happily took my membership fee and gave me access to the members' forum, with no instructions about how to work for them. No response to my emails, no work, no pay and no refund. They offer many different "jobs", but I got no work for either the "copy paste" position or the "content writer" position. Despite the different positions listed, if you read carefully, they really all sound the same. Another google ad posting site.

Real Data Entry- This was the most mysterious site of all, which did NOT involve posting ads, but rather involved reviewing and commenting on websites. I actually worked for them for a month and found that my account was accumulating, so I didn't realize it was a scam right away. The payout threshold is $1,000 and, not surprisingly, I found my account reduced to $0 after the company complained that I had "cheated" on the assignments. What were the assignments? The data entry involved evaluating websites, looking for spelling errors, commenting on the products reviewed, etc. A quick online google search revealed that none of the site's members had ever been paid for the work submitted, and like me, their balances had been reduced to $0 when the online typist approached the payout amount.

Traditional Data Entry VS Google Ad Posting

Thank you for visiting my blog! After going through many work at home scams, this blog is dedicated to those who are looking for legitimate, scam-free data entry jobs and general work from home online opportunities.

One of the biggest questions everyone looking for online jobs asks is: Are data entry jobs a scam? Are there ANY that are legitimate work from home opportuntiies?

So are they a scam? The answer is actually both YES and NO.

Real Data Entry vs Google Ad Form Filling

It’s important to distinguish between the two types of data entry sites out there: Traditional data entry and google ad form filling. Most innocent people looking for work at home jobs are looking for traditional data entry and assume that all data entry sites that advertize 'data entry' are offering traditional data entry work.

Legitimate, traditional data entry typists do the following type of work


*Medical billing

*Order Taking

About one quarter of the websites that advertize data entry work sell online job seekers long directories of companies which are seeking traditional data entry typists. Understand that you do NOT work for the actual data company you register with. The website does not employ the registrant directly, but merely provides the names and contact information of companies who ARE hiring data entry typists.

These data entry websites are pretty easy to spot.

-They (honestly) advertize "hundreds of companies to work for"

-They claim that there is no selling or ad posting involved

-They offer a money back guarantee

Where is the scam then?

The real data entry scam lies in the misrepresentation of the second type (three quarters) of 'data entry' sites out there, which fraudulently misrepresent themselves as traditional data entry companies, when they are really something entirely different.

They do not offer traditional form filling data entry work. They offer GOOGLE AD POSTING positions disguised as data entry ones.

There are many, many websites which loosely interpret 'data entry' to mean typing Click Bank and google ads and then posting them on forums, blogs, websites or on google adwords for commission earnings on affiliate products. And therein lies the scam. These 'data entry' sites hook and draw traditional data entry job hunters by calling the online job 'data entry typist' when it is really affiliate marketing.

The "job" these data entry sites offer is essentially the opportunity to post the company's ads on google adwords in order to entice other desperate job seekers to sign up and pay a membership fee for the same 'work at home' privilege. The online worker then takes a small commission in return for his efforts.

These types of scam jobs, which technically fit the definition of 'data entry', are easy to spot:

*The online site says the job involves ad posting. It doesn't involve adposting; it IS adposting.

*The income potential is unlimited. Theoretically true, as commission has no limit.

*The job calls you an independent contractor. You aren't paying for a job; you are paying for an opportunity.

*The site has a payout minimum. They will happily hold your money until you have generated enough business for them.