Monday, August 10, 2009

Getting Rich Online- Is It Possible?

There is an over saturation of at home work advertized all over the internet, for every type of job from data entry typist to survey taker, to email processor to craft assembler. Each job boasts unbelievable income potential, making everyone wonder: is it really possible to get rich online? Should I quit my day job and work from home?

Can you get rich online? Absolutely.

Can you get rich QUICKLY online? No way. If it were true, we would all be rich in 48 hours or less.

Making money online takes more time, effort, creativity, gusty risk taking and savvy marketing skills than most people actually realize. It takes commitment, dedication and a good business sense as well. Those data entry entry and survey taking sites that advertize hundreds of dollars per day for 2-3 hours of work per day are scams. Making real money, full time career figures, not residual income, takes a lot of time.

Anyone can make a residual income online. Writing 5 articles a day in 2 hours can earn a writer about $300 a month, not bad for residual, auto-pilot income. Taking a couple of surveys a day (that is, if you even qualify for any of them!) can earn about the same. But that's making money, just a buck or two for extra bills; not getting rich.

So how do you get rich online? With time and effort, in these three ways:

Online Get Rich Scheme- Affiliate and Article Marketing

Promoting digital products or services can earn real income into six digit figures. It's simple to get started, but a lot harder to master. Link Share, Commission Junction, Clickbank and Paydotcom all give provide affiliate links that will earn you commission and sales when a lead purchases a product from your exclusive web link. The challenge lies in converting enough clicks to sales and generating a substantial net profit, after refunds. With so much competition in affiliate marketing, especially in google search, clever web skills, HTML, website knowledge, keyword sense and niche market tapping are essential skills to help you sell your product better and faster than the competition. You can promote links on blogs, websites, or google ad sense. The latter is potentially the most profitable, but also the most costly. Be prepared for SOME upfront costs when dabbling into affiliate marketing, but payoff is high.

If you are looking for an excellent instructional ebook for beginners that helps you get into affiliate ,marketing WITHOUT a start up cost, check out the Newbie Blueprint Plan.

Online Get Rich Scheme- Ebay

You can open up your own ebay store and work with drop shippers to sell merchandise that is in demand. This is a big way to make money online and work in sales, without having to look for clients. Interested customers come to you, and ebay is THE international auction to get them rolling in. Dropshipping involves posting items for sale on auctions like ebay,without actually stocking the inventory.

Once a customer places an order, the seller will then order the item out of his or her pocket at the wholesale price directly from the dropshipper on behalf of the customer. The dropshipper will then ship the merchandise to the customer, and the seller pockets the mark up difference between the final auction price and the wholesale price. Keep in mind that the seller has some responsibility to the client: he or she must handle refunds after sales, and answer product questions before sales.

To get started and test the waters before opening up an ebay store with this concept, have a look at the recently sold lists on ebay to find out which products are in high demand and being auctioned at top dollars. Then look for the same products from dropshippers, who will inevitably charge you a monthly membership fee in exchange for access to low cost wholesale merchandise. Effort , monitoring and contact with customers is required, but you don't need to solicit business, as your client base is set. With practice, this can become a way to simply make a living or even get rich online with really hot, high profile products.

Online Get Rich Scheme- Joint Ventures

The most profitable way to see earnings skyrocket online is through partnerships with other marketers, called joint ventures. This is truly the secret of the most highly paid marketing strategists. Each of the marketers has a unique selling point or skill to sell, in return for an equal share of profits. A simple joint venture could be a super affiliate who has a great product to sell, but needs exposure, a web page and some majour traffic. Mr. X, who already has a website a huge audience in the same market the super affiliate wants to break into then offers his or her web marketing strategies to direct traffic for extra high commissions. This is similar to affiliate marketing, but there is a closer joint and mutually benefifical relationship between the two parties.

Or consider this joint venture: Mr. X has a website of existing products which has a huge targeted audience. He notices that seller Mr. Y on ebay has interesting and similar stuff to sell, but his listings on ebay have few buyers. Mr. X offers Mr. Y his web space to increase Mr. Y's sales, in return for a slice of Mr. Y's commission.

There is no one specific way to break into joint ventures; they are simply partnerships between people to increase sales They are really self-made marketing opportunities and are the most difficult to secure and should only be attempted by people with intermediate or advanced web marketing skills. There are many great ebooks that describe joint venture techniques in general. One excellent ebook, that describes different strategies for making $1,000 in 48 is called Desperate for Money. It devotes an entire chapter to creating and taking advantage of joint venture opportunities The book was written by expert web marketers for people who need quick cash fast.

Following the different methods outline can make you $1,000 in two nights and definitely get your rich quickly online in about a year.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, again, Miss Totally Mysterious, I've read just about anything from you I could find on the internet, and my semi-artistic hat is taken off, I'm very impressed, wondering how it's possible to have such a hell of an insightful output on so many issues. Well, it might be because of the hard fact that I'm the most primitive creature in the world, having dissected, not thoroughly, the human animal we all ultimately are. And, also, the difference between us is that you're a writer, a woman, the stronger sex, and I'm just not. Honestly, you make me thrilled, even though I'm virtually buried alive on my Paraiso Tropical estate, bubbling for a sexy woman you've been throughout your articles. Every word of yours I've savored as pleasure, forgetting about business, no matter combining pleasure with business is perfect. This is weird, I feel funny, but I suppose I'm not. As an author, I've got nothing left to write about. Well, yesterday, an idea struck what's left of my brain, a book called Catamenia Of Breath, mine, something nobody wants (or will) to read anywhere, ever, guranteed. But somehow I'm writing to you, for a reason, no idea, or just the mere idea of you inspires me to spew further nonsense, take cover, Paola.
